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Glycan Standards for Analytical Use

Amerigo Scientific, a distributor focused on providing critical products and services to biomedical and life science communities, announced the availability of its vast selection of glycan standards for analytical applications.


Glycans are chains of carbohydrates that are free or conjugated to macromolecules. The diverse and complex nature of glycans highlights the need for accurate characterization. Having well-defined glycan standards is crucial for maintaining consistency and accuracy in glycan analysis data. Amerigo Scientific offers a comprehensive range of glycan standards, unlabeled glycan standards as well as chemically derivatized glycans.


To ensure the success of the analytical testing workflow, Amerigo Scientific's glycan standards are purified and tested by rigorous quality control, including system suitability standards, process controls, and quantitative and reference standards, which ensure robust and reliable analysis. For instance, its analytical references such as 2'Fucosyllactose analytical reference and Lacto-N-tetraose analytical reference undergo four complementary analyses, including:


• Triplicate 1H-NMR using an internal standard for structural and purity information

• Mass Spectrometry for structural details

• High-performance liquid chromatography for impurity detection

• Karl-Fischer titration for residual water content after freeze-drying.


All the corresponding analytical data are provided in the Certificate of Analysis. Whether analyzing complex glycan mixtures or validating analytical methods, Amerigo Scientific's glycan standards offer researchers a valuable resource for their studies.


As a reliable distributor in the life science industry, Amerigo Scientific maintains a strong partnership network with global manufacturers and ships products to many countries in order to have products available where clients need them. With a commitment to quality, consistency, and customer satisfaction, Amerigo Scientific continues to keep up with the demands of today's scientific community.



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