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How A plant Instagram Can Negatively impact Mental Health

Plants and gardening are fantastic for our mental health but combining this with social media can have a huge negative impact.

I' m acutely aware of the importance of mental health as mental health is a huge problem in my family. My brother committed suicide and many of my siblings and immediate family have either taken their own life, attempted suicide or suffered with other aspects of mental health. Both of my parents have also attempted suicide on multiple occasions.

Recently I' ve noticed more than ever how plants are actually affecting some of my followers and it appears in different ways but today I want to focus on one thing.

Just like the rest of social media, the plant world is not immune to making people feel anxious and not good enough. Not only do we create beautiful feeds with our plants but this also features our homes, gardens and lifestyles too. This leaves many people with completely unrealistic expectations of themselves and negative self image.

When we think of negative self image we immediately think of the way we look ourselves but these feelings of not being good enough can transpire in so many ways.

I want to take this time and say that I post beautiful things to bring happiness and interest to people but I need everyone to know that what you see on my account is a tiny piece of my real life.

Things go wrong, sometimes I feel down, angry, upset and many aspects of my life are far from perfect. I just don't show them.

So if you ever look at mine or anyone elses posts and they impact you negativity, just know that what is shown on Instagram is a tiny piece of our life and not the entire reality.

Please share this to your stories and tag your plant friends ?

#raphidophora #monsteradeliciosa
#unicornplant #rareplant #rarearoids #plantsmakepeoplehappy #flauntyourleaves #houseplanthouse #botanist #botany
#plantaddict #plantheaven #plantphotography #plantobsessed #plantgang #house_plant_community #plantlife #plantdad #plantdaddy #plantaddiction #plantlove #plantcollection #monsteraobliqua #houseplantaesthetic #houseplantopia #helloplantlover #monstera

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